Big new adventure

Big new adventure

Sunday, April 25, 2010

This week

This week has just been a crazy long week but we were both so excited about Saturday because we went on a Date. It was lots of fun! We went to The Olive Garden which is always yummie. After dinner we went to Fat Cats to play some pool. It was way fun. We haven't played since our second date, so that was like 20 months ago. Well he took me down. I only had one win and it was because he hit the eight ball in. Woo hooo..... I am not very good but one day I will take him out. We might get a pool table when we're rich and that will be lots of fun. Anyways, after we played a few games we decided that we would give bowling a try since we have never gone together. It was way fun and I had mad skills for once. I won the first game. It was a great night I love going out with Daniel Spenser Vogel. He is always a lot of fun.
On Sunday we went to Ihop with Daniels mom. It was lots of fun and after we went to go see the house. It was lots of fun to see what they had done over the week. It seems like they do so much in just one week. Every time we go up I am always shocked on how much they have done.
Any who here is some pictures

Sunday, April 18, 2010


More exciting pictures of our house

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2nd time at the house

So we went to go see the house this Sunday not knowing really how much farther they had gotten. When we got there we were so shocked to see how much they had done. It was amazing! We walked all over the house like four different times. We were just so excited and we took lots of pictures. Here are some pictures and if you want to see more than what we have on here just look at our facebooks

Sunday, April 4, 2010

So here is what has happened in the last week. It's been pretty crazy.
Okay well Dan and I have been kind of looking at houses but not to go buy one right at this moment at least that is what we had thought. So Daniel has a website that sends him emails when new houses hit the market and last Friday he got one that looked really promising. So over the weekend we went to check it out. It looked really nice so when we came home we talked to Dan's mom about it and we noticed that it was in foreclosure. Sandy thought since it was such a good deal and it was in foreclosure that we should try to make a move on it fast. So on Sunday we thought about it and tried to figure out what we could do. We decided that we would try for it so on Monday Sandy called her real estate agent Dean. Dean agreed that it looked like a really good deal and encouraged us to move fast.

Tuesday was a crazy day. Daniel and I were both working so Sandy was trying to help figure things out. We hadn't even had a chance to walk through the house so Sandy and Dean offered to check it out for us. Luckily Daniel was able to get away from work for a while and he went with them. They all really liked it and thought it was a great deal so we decided to try for it. Unfortunately since it was a foreclosure we had to move extremely fast. In order to place an offer on the house, we were required to have the underwriting for the loan completely finished and show proof of the down payment. Daniel and I met with a lendor that works with Dean's firm as soon as he got back from looking at the house. We spent about an hour with him and then we met with Dean to sign paper work and make our offer. A few hours later, the lendor approved us and Sandy was nice enough to lend us the money for the down payment until we are able to get the tax credit back. Unfortunately, at this point there had already been five other offers made on the house so we didn't know what to think about our chances. So with that in mind, we decided to look at some other houses just in case we weren't accepted for this one.

We found a house that looked really nice and happened to be just a couple blocks away from the one we made an offer on. We went to check it out and after thirty minutes of driving around in circles, we couldn't find it. The next day we asked Dean to check on it and see what the deal was. He found out that it wasn't actually built which is why we couldn't find it. Daniel and I talked about it and decided that this might be a better option for us than the house we were originally looking at. We went with Dean to see a model house that would be similar to ours when it was finished and we both really liked it. We decided on thursday that we were going to make an offer on this new house. Since we already had our financing ready to go it was pretty easy. We met with Dean and the agent for the seller and signed the paper work to put in our offer. We waited anxiously the next day to hear if our offer was excepted. That afternoon, Daniel text me saying that he had good news. I knew that it was about the house and that they must have accepted our offer! We were both really excited and we're looking forward to moving in. Hopefully we will be moving sometime in June.

Anyway, we went to take some pictures of the house in progress as well as a model home that should look almost the same as ours when it's finished. So here they are, enjoy: